Has Your Business Failed at Technology 101?

I placed a call this morning to our A/C Heating service company to make an appointment for a summer check-up for our system. The phone was answered by a very professional lady who had the voice and demeanor of someone who really wanted to help the customer. However, when she tried to set up the appointment her computer apparently refused to work. She apologized for the inconvenience and delay, but she had to refer to…

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What is Missing in Your Networking?

How many times have you attended a business networking event and walked away empty handed? You invest the time and effort to attend the event and you fail to make a connection that could be useful in your marketing efforts. This happens all to often to small business owners because they are not prepared to use networking as a marketing tool. It all starts with determination. You must have the determination to share your business…

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What is the Will and Determination of Your Business?

Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “will” as “the power to control one’s actions, impulses or emotions.” In the context of a small business, what is your ability (as the owner) to control your actions and those of your business? I think this a fair question that each business owner needs to be able to answer. Our ability to control the actions of our business potentially has very special and important consequences for ourselves and our business. If…

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At the End of the Day

When all is said and done what is it that you want to accomplish with your business? Hopefully you already have an “exit strategy” in place that will take care of how you hope to dispose of the business. However, there is an opportunity to consider so much more when you look at what you want to accomplish. For example, do you want your business to have an impact on your community. Every community has…

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Business Development – A Plus or Minus for Your Business?

Every business needs new business, right? How about your business? If so, then what kind of system or process do you have in place to develop new business? If the answer is no, no, and no, then read no further. If on the other hand your business can use new business and you do not have a process or system in place to generate then I encourage you to read on. Business development may seem…

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