Are People Hearing Your Business?


Every business needs to be heard. If no one hears your business, then the chances are very high that you will have few sales and little revenue. Getting your business heard in a cost effective manner is a real challenge for most businesses, particularly startups and new businesses.

The first rule of being heard is to get your business in front of your prospects and existing customers. This is something that literally should happen every day in your business. You can do it with store signage, bag stuffers, online with your website and social media. In most cases the out of pocket cost is minimal, but it is a great chance to tell and repeat your business story.

The most important issue of getting in front of prospects and customers is once you get there stay there. This requires a certain amount of discipline and dedication on your part. Many business owners get caught up in the daily operation of their business and they literally lose their place in front of prospects and customer. The commitment to stay in front of these most important people (prospects and customers) may require you to hire or outsource this work to someone else. Be very careful about delegating this most important job to an outsider; instead let them execute your plan.

If you would like to hear the rest of the story on, “Are People Hearing Your Business?” then tune in to “The Weekly Business Hour” on Monday October 17th at 11:00am on or you can hear the podcast of the show after Wednesday October 16th by going to our Facebook page at The Weekly Business Hour.