Posts by admin

Don’t Be Afraid to Swim Against the Current

Malcolm Muggeridge is quoted as saying, “Never forget that only dead fish swim with the stream.” I am not sure if this is always true but there is some encouragement in Mr. Muggeridge’s statement. All of us need to swim against the current from time to time to really succeed in our business. Fear is typically the main reason that most business owners are afraid of going against the current. Business decisions like all decisions…

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I Dare You And Your Business Not To Fail!

How many times have you as a business owner heard about how often small business fail. There are all kinds of statistics available and often they sometimes don’t agree to actual numbers, but then again, I imagine it is difficult to get an accurate count. Regardless, everyone seems to agree that the number is very high particularly in the first years of life of a new business. There are a good number of reasons businesses…

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How Can I Find the Right Mentor for Me and My Business?

I recently came across an article entitled, “10 Reasons to Avoid Executive Leadership Coaches Like the Plaque,” by Chris Pearse. (Forbes 12/22/19). In the article Mr. Pearse, who is a leadership coach himself, outlined a number of pitfalls one can encounter when engaging a coach or mentor. Two that really struck me were the coach/mentor who uses a structured process, which I call “using a notebook” and the other is those who focus on performance.…

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Let the Celebration Begin – You and the Success of Your Business

We all like to celebrate in one way or another our life’s accomplishment. Take for example your birthday. We all one every year and in most cases, we enjoy the recognition by friends and family of this important event. The party and the gathering of celebrants is wonderful, but what really appeals to most of us is the recognition we personally receive from the event. If for just a moment we are the center of…

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At A Loss For Words — Never a good place for any business to be

Have you ever been caught for a loss of words? We all have and typically it is an embarrassing position to be in. Personally, it can happen, but it should never happen in your business. One of the keys to sustaining and building your business is to be prepared for events before they occur. Like having the right kind and amount of business insurance to cover a loss when it happens. Such as when a…

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