Posts Tagged ‘business’

Why Use A Marketing Plan

Ok, why use any plan to run your business? In my experience a lot of small businesses, typically really small businesses don’t use any type of written planning to run their business. These businesses are usually what are affectionately known as “Mom & Pop’s” or just “Mom” or “Pop” businesses. They are really someone just in business for all practical purposes to create a job for themselves. So, what the hell, why do they need…

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How to Promote Your Employees

Our employees or human resources are the most important asset of almost every business. As such each step in developing our employees is consequential. The opportunity to promote whether is dependent on a predetermined structure or is motivated by an immediate need to replace offers you a chance to build your relationship with an individual employee as well as your workforce. A promotion is often used as a reward for an employee’s work performance. In…

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How to Get Useful Business Advice Quick and Easy

First, I will assume that you are open to seeking business advice to help you build a better business. If you are not then you need read no further. I have been helping small business owners build better businesses for 15 years. Prior to that I owned 5 different business that I either bought or started, built and successfully sold. In addition, I grew up in a family owned business. All this experience gives me…

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Loyalty – Where Do I Find Loyal Employees?

Loyal employees, like many of the characteristics of a successful business, starts with the owner(s). It typically starts the day you decide to open your own business and you start putting together your business plan. It’s during the planning process that you must decide just what kind of business attitude or atmosphere do you want to create. Most people call this your business culture. Your business culture finds its beginning with you and what you…

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Hiring to Grow

Almost every owner of a business wants to grow their business. Growing a business requires numerous tools, but the most important tool is a good, quality workforce. The first step in building that workforce is to hire the best individuals you can find. This means finding not only the best individuals but the best people that will help grow your business. The first step in the process for hiring the right people is to develop…

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