Archive for February 2018

What’s Under the Hood of Your Business Technology?

Yes, your business has a hood just like your car or truck does. Therefore, from time to time you or your mechanic (technician) needs to check under the hood to make sure the engine that drives your technology is running smooth. Also, every 6 – 12 months you need to make sure your “engine” is up to the tasks at hand so that your technology keeps your business operating and competitive. Your growth plans should…

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Finding The Right Technical Advice

In recent blogs, I have addressed the importance of building and maintaining a quality communication system both inside and outside your business. Technology plus communications is the glue if you will that not only holds your business together but allows it to grow and prosper. When it comes to communications in today’s business, technology is the key. Technology, its selection, implementation and maintenance is a determining factor in your company’s ability to compete and expand.…

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Communications – A Key to Your Business Success

 Listen to Rick’s Tip of the Week You, as a business owner, and your company’s ability to communicate will probably have more to do with your success (or failure) in business than any other single factor. For that reason and no other, I encourage you to turn your communication system into a strength of your business. Verbal communication is where it all starts and many times it is the weakest part of a company’s…

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Your Business Website is Only a Beginning

Every business process has a beginning and an end. In the case of your business technology there is also a lot in the middle and really no end in sight. A business website is typically a good place to start building the technology that your business will use for communication both inside and outside of your business. The website can be a place where all or most all of your communication technologies meet. A website…

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Does Technology Help or Hurt Our Business?

This may not sound like a serious question to everyone, but I think it is perhaps the most important question or issue facing small businesses today. It is meant to be a roundabout way of asking you is technology working for your business. More importantly are you getting the most of technology in your business? There are five main considerations that need to be considered when you try and answer this question. First, what type…

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